SKU: GOLDCG Category:


Gold is calling! Everyone rushes to
Mount Goldrush, the last remaining
gold mine.
Which gold miner will unearth the
most gold and possibly outwit their
rivals along the way?
To find the most gold.
Every player chooses a color and
places the corresponding entrance
in front of them on the table. They
now own all of the gold miners of
this color, which are uncovered throughout the game.
If there are only two players, each
of them should pick two colors. The
remaining mine mouth goes back
into the box.
Shuffle the remaining cards thoroughly and place them face down on
the table in any order. Every card
must be visible and may not be covered by another card.
The youngest player starts. The
game then continues clockwise.
When it’s your turn, flip two cards
of your choice over. First, leave
them turned face-up where they
are. Depending on which two cards
are revealed, one of the following
If you turn over a
gold miner with a
value, at least as high as the value
of the gold you‘ve uncovered, the
gold miner is strong enough to
carry it out of the gold mine. The
gold miner‘s owner receives the
gold, and the uncovered gold miner
card is removed from the game. If
the gold miner does not belong to
any of the other players, you win
the gold.
Place the gold face down under
your mine entrance.
If you uncover
two gold miners
of different values (can also be the
same color), the “stronger” gold
miner (higher number) defeats the
“weaker” gold miner (lower number), who is then out of the game.
Flip the stronger gold miner back
and leave the card in the same place. Be sure to remember where the
gold miner is. Then it’s the next
player’s turn.
If you uncover at least
one dynamite card, both
cards are removed from
the game.
If, during your turn, you uncover either
• Two gold miners of the same value,
• Two gold cards, or
• A gold miner and a gold card with
a higher value, remember the cards
and turn them back over again. Nothing else happens. After all the
cards have been turned face down
again, it is the next player’s turn.
If there are 10 or fewer cards still
face down when it is the beginning
of your turn, then you should all
shout: “Gold Rush!”
The game then changes as follows:
Starting with you, each player only
picks one card when it is their turn.
If it is gold, the player puts it below their mine entrance. If it is a
gold miner or dynamite, the card
is directly removed from the game
without any other action.
The game ends when the last card
has been removed from the table. Each player now adds up the
points on their gold cards. The richest player wins! In the event of
a tie, the player who has collected
more gold cards wins.
If there’s still a tie, then there are
several winners.
Play as many times as there are
players, with a different player
starting each time. Make a note
of the scores at the end of each
game. The player with the most
points at the end wins. In the event
of a tie, the tied player with more
points in the last game wins.
For a simplified game, arrange the
cards in an 8×8 grid at the start of
the game.
Card Games
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